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Citizenship applications

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Canadian Citizenship

How to get Canadian Citizenship ?

You can go for applying for a citizenship grant under the Citizenship Act if you want to become a Canadian citizen. To apply for Canadian citizenship, you must be a permanent resident of Canada who is physically present in the country, as well as meet other citizenship requirements such as residency requirements.


The following points need to be taken into account when applying for citizenship:

  • To go ahead with the application process, you must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You must have spent at least 1095 days physically in Canada in the previous five years and meet all citizenship residence criteria.
  • Before you apply, you must have filed income taxes for any three tax years that are wholly or substantially within five years.
  • Sections 21 and 22 of the Act of Citizenship do not restrict you from doing so.
  • You must be able to communicate well in both English and French.

NOTE: If you are 55 or older at the time of application, you may be exempt from the requirement of being able to speak in English or French. You must produce an audiogram from an accredited Canadian audiologist if you are unable to show evidence of language skills due to deafness. If an applicant has other disabilities that are interfering with his or her capacity to communicate, he or she must submit documentary evidence of those disabilities.


You may also qualify if you spent some time outside of Canada if:

  • You worked in/with the following as a permanent resident:

>Federal Public Administration

> Canadian Armed Forces

>A province’s or territory’s public service.

  • You resided outside of Canada with a spouse, common-law partner, or parent who worked in/for one of the aforementioned industries.

Keep note of all your time spent outside of Canada in a trip log to quantify your physical presence in Canada accurately.

NOTE: You would not be eligible for an exception if you worked as a locally involved individual.


The time required for physical presence is calculated as follows:

  • You have legally become a Canadian permanent resident.
  • Your spouse/common-law partner is now a legal Canadian permanent resident.

If you are aspiring for Canadian Citizenship, we can assist you in the entire application process. Call us now: